Sunday, January 9, 2011

No, really?

That last post got a little out of hand. Here's what I started out thinking about, which, as soon as I went back to drawing, came back into my mind.

With so many passive seeming people coming into my life lately, "How do you get your ass kicked?" is actually a question I feel like I need to ask. I hang out with my rents, talk to Matt Causey on the telephone, etc. In other words, I'm used to it, I expect and enjoy it. When I'm not getting a healthy amount of it I wither.

There's a specific relationship that I'm in right now where I feel like I'm the wrong person to be presenting obvious challenges (and possible solutions) to someone who readily admits to needing help. In fact is even trying to get help. But I don't want to be the confronter in the situation. I don't even want to be in the situation. I want the person to figure their way out of it on their own, then call me.

But to talk to him you'd think that no one has ever sat him down and said "Hey! It's the (?), stupid!" or whatever. No one has actually had the cahones to push him hard, and therefore pushing himself is sorta sad to watch. Like he doesn't know where his ass is! I don't actually know the person well enough to feel entitled to ask anything besides "How do you get your ass kicked? Whatever it is- go do it. A lot."

I think it's a problem that this one person is just the current example of what seems like a trend. We spent so much time in our youths treating each other with respect, and pumping up our self-esteem, that we can't seem to roll our over-inflated heads past one another.

And, next post will be "What is Beauty for, exactly?"

1 comment:

oudev oida said...

I believe what you're looking for are cajones. i mean the word.