Monday, October 18, 2010

i need a better camera...

So, it's been a month that I've been unemployed, and here's what I've created so far. Unfortunately the chickens (that you can see here both finished and unfinished) are not quite done yet. The yellower one is, the reddish guy still needs it's belly done. These are some of the few remaining Don Featherstone (creator of the lawn flamingo) chickens. They may resemble symmetry, but they aren't- one of the reasons that lawn decor and decoys will change in the future, I'm sure. Anyway, a lot of these birds are smaller, but i'm still only averaging 1 or 1/2 of one a day. and I'm getting extremely bored! Ah well, still 9 days till I head to the beach maybe a heron and some green tomato chutney will get finished before then...

cold at night here...

if you want to see some actually interesting photos...

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Rabid Killers!

Look what jumped on my handle bars on the way home? And then proceeded to lay her eggs on my tire (big insects still have small brains.) Thanks to the internet I learned that it's relatively easy to breed mantids indoors, so I gently removed the egg sack and stuck it in a mason jar in the shaded window. Maybe Mom'll be able to release a batch of babies into the yard around my birthday. Wouldn't that be nice?

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

lil zizou

the cat and i soaked up the last 70 degree day... of course, we accomplished nothing except vitamin d absorption. and some flocking. my cat thinks flocking is pretty great (huff huff), but sunshine is much better.

multi-cultural lunch!

who else gets to eat atomic foods tortillas with hummus, siracha, nasturtiums and borage? who else would want to?

in other news- the Ames' just cleared out their garden. which means i should clear out mine. Instead I think I'll take a nap...

Monday, October 11, 2010

michaels provide inspiraton

And we aren't just talking about the store, though that's where the feather came from. My work so frequently walks the line very close to kitsch... you can get these feathers for 70 cents...

other inspirations today: i want my website to get close to this. i love the note book style. and someone else should read this biography page...

fresh hop ipa from ice harbor.

riding in a porsche.

my droid+pandora

Sunday, October 10, 2010

& they're off!

Away go Peg, Deb and Rick! Off for Turkey! To the land of dervishes and delights! yum!

On the same day I also finished the sequinning part of Phillip's sister's penguin! ooooh... As the more astute of you may have notice, this penguin (or it's twin) was featured a few days ago in the black and white skirt photo. Looks different now, eh?

Mom was sweet enough to make me oatmeal cookies before she left. My diet now consists of cookies, coffee, arugula, and fresh hop pig beer. Could one really ask for more?

Tomorrow I mandatorily attend a class on how to look for 3 jobs a week. Should be interesting...

Thursday, October 7, 2010


So, ladies and gents, this is what $300 worth of sequins looks like! For those wondering- I operate with generally around 100-120 different colors or shapes of sequins at a time... Mostly black, golds and browns, though at the moment i have 10 variations of green, so i guess i need to make a parrot or something... I hold them all in those little metal tins people used to make aspics in as i work. Really, besides the astronomical costs of sequins there is nothing exciting about my process whatsoever. just a lot of sitting, listening to books on tape or watching penn and teller's bullshit show.

natural remedies

I take biscuits for my ulcer! I've been worried about money for about the last week or so (week 3 of being unemployed, FYI). So what do I do (besides applying for a job as a costume stitcher in Ashland, Oregon)? I make biscuits. I try to pretend they make me relax. The fall out from Charlie (my ulcers) lasts days, however, and I'm on my 3rd set of biscuits. Today it's gonna rain.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

gooooo team!!!!

So, mom & i were having a chat about becoming spontaneous cheerleaders, which of course necessitated me trying on her old highschool bombers uniform (woohoo! it fits! except i'm too tall...) and me sporting my new favorite skirtyskirt atop a pile of rubble. rubble has since been hauled off to the dump.

Hard at work, should be more pictures later...discovered I have to go up to mom's balcony to get hings to load fast with the new mifi...just another reason we should get a new deck...

Saturday, October 2, 2010

bright sun-shiny day!

and i spent the whole thing (almost) inside putting bright shiny sequins on dull plastic birdies... But here's the mater making herself useful! 6 new birds (which are actually 5 and 2 half birdies) got their first clear coats today. Some are now ready to go out into the world (and there will be etsy pages for them someday) and some are already spoken for as orders... I shall document in the future, I"m sure...

Friday, October 1, 2010


one decent apple on our tree, hops we don't know what to do with, and sage in bloom...Fall!