Well, two posts a day might be pushing it.
So, very little actual work done yesterday, either, but lots of quality time spent with good people/ peers. Why can't I rationalize that talking to preston about art is an equally important part of my process to making it? Because, ofcourse, it is. There just seems to be a lot more time involved with talking, drinking beeer, laughing, cooking, etc. than there does actually recieving feedback and opinions. but the opinions i recieve are valid. i dunno...
So, there's a brian long asleep in the hideabed down stairs. it's odd to hang with someone formerly so intimate, and now so almost foreign. there are grooves that we get into that are so good and healthy, very familiar and familial. the cooking groove. the talking about family groove. but there is so much there that i don't know now. it reminds me of unwinding the fingerknitting ball, and seeing how much of it i have forgotten when i made it or where it came from, but still knowing it went around my fingers.
the bells over at the church are starting now. i love living within hearing range of bells. it's one of those things i didn't grow up with, but has now become such a big part of my quality of life. Even without thinking I know that it is sunday, and that it's 8:00, just because of what's pealing. appealing.
i went to visit apple cheeked Ellis (whose name I can't spell) at the farmers market yesterday. I really like that one. I'll have to see if she has a website i can link to. She offered me a job (tentatively) making Ruby Jewel Ice Cream Sandwiches (they must have a website) iin the fall, when I've completely run out of money. it's very reassuring that there are jobs out there with people i respect, but still not retail or art related. I'm going to help her set up her studio on monday, which will be a learning experience for me, but won't directly contribute to me finishing anyone project.
Going with my instincts of what is important is tough. I gave preston a wallet yesterday, and I know it will come back to me. he's that kind of person. I'll help Ellis tomorrow, because she's that kind of person, too. These things matter. These people are who i want to be relating to, artistically, aesthetically. that feels really good.
Ok, gotta go trim grapevines before it's too hot.