So, I'm setting up this blog basically to keep myself on task throughout the next couple of months. if there is an anonymous eye watching me, i'll be more likely to get up early in the morning and stay on task thoughout the day. there will be less napping, beer drinking, and/or lolly gagging because i will be keeping better track of what it takes to be an artist. How much "spare" time do i really need? How many social endeavors? How much money do i need to be spending? How good are my sales? What are the "true" costs of being an artist? Where are my shows? am i succeeding? blah blah blah! But I have other goals besides the artistic. Can I make a smaller impact on the planet? Can I get in "great" shape before this day two years from now, when i want to start thinking about having babies? Do i really over-mommy my roomates? Am i ready for graduate school? Am i really a reader?
So, since it's sorta a diary of all that crap, let's set it up thusly. I'll document in the morning what my goals are, and in the evening whether or not I met them, as well as any other acheivements. I hope it's not tremendously tedious. And then I'll discuss briefly some thoughts. maybe. or not. I'll put up a photo of what I'm working on, or worked on, every day. The photo's will probably be more interesting than the text. but, hey, who says I"m doing this for anyone anyway?
So, I spent $7 on food today, made Claflouti that was shared by 8 people, and spent almost 4 hours cleaning the house. Worked on the Sock Monster ( to be fotofeatured in the morning) for almost 3 hours. I have an incredibly sore back, and besides walking to the grocery store got no excercise. I am watching fireworks in our backyard. I had one cat sitting, for which i expect to get paid around $25. I set up this blog, and a my space page. I worked on a puzzle. I awoke to Lesli Larsen in my house, and getting to spend time with her and Sara Tripodi is always awe inspiring. Now Iam tired, ted is sick, and I'm going to go clean the house some more.
things are exploding everywhere. it's july.
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