I made no art yesterday! None! Argh! First full day of Art-hood, and all I did was take down one show, take slides of it, and redistribute it somewhere else. Which is to say, it was a full and concentrated day, but i did not get to make anything new. grrrr.... But check out my super ghetto slide set-up. I shot both slides and digitals, and i certainly hope that my slides turn out better than the digi's did. ofcourse, can i find my tripod? hell no! So probably all those 1/2 second exposures look like flamingoes viewed while enebriated. I also took care of a bunch of stuff in the garden, and went out to play cribbage with clem, and did a bunch of visitting and showing off flamingoes and ducks. There are lots of people who don't get out to see shows (not that I do my part by actually providing enough information on where, when and what), but they are very appreciative when i bring stuff around.
People are being so nice to me. Andrew and Erin came to visit me and bring me my coffee cup, ted and jim went to waffle man and got me a blueberry waffle. Jennifer Anable called me from Montana to make sure i was comfortable dropping off my work. So great.
It is really scary, though, to spend money like this. Buying lights and backdrop set me back everything i didn't put into rent and savings from my last paycheck. Oh well!
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