As it turns out, The Powers that Be actually would like us to keep a separate blog. For that purpose I'm reconstituting "Painter's Victory Garden" Which I believe is paintersvictorious@blogspot, for anyone who wants to continue to read my rants on graduate related reading materials, and artistic developments. I'm not quite sure what that leave's this blog to do, but I'm sure I'll come up with something.
I'n the meantime, I've decided to formally try for the Guiness Book of World Records record for longest ball of fingerknitting. I'll be kickstartering that project probably sometime in the next week, if anyone is interested in kicking me a couple of bucks....
In the meantime, I'm staying at Todd Isaac's lovely abode, surrounded by wooden wonderment. It's so pleasent to get to live around beautiful belongings. Also, I have to say that the bed here is amazingly comfortable compared to the rubber mattress at the MASS ART dormitory. And they have a lovely big computer for me to write my rough drafts of essays on, as well as quickly post pictures. I need to get me one of these.
Your other blog URL is: http://paintersvictorious.blogspot.com. "leave's" is excruciating. Bottle caps are en route.
do you want me to start sending you my posts to edit? heaven's sake!
oh, and thanks for the contribution. You are a super star!
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