So, I went camping.
I've been unemployed, almost completely, for almost a year. Mike and I also "broke Up" or he "dumped" me (very hard) just about a year ago. But hey, whadaya know, we find ourselves out in the woods with my dad's gear and my mom's car (and Mike's beer at about 10 am).
Rural Oregon is fantastic. We found the town of Dale on the 395, which I'll be talking more about in my other blog (so stay tuned.... or tune in... or whatever). We had beers bought for us in a way too well-lit bar by a boring man (really- he drills the holes for optic cable. He's a professional borer). We were stopped on the road because of a very small, slow stampede. There were frogs and garter snakes and the wonderful town of Ukiah, with robot windmills and a Motel covered in Antlers.
And, best of all, We found the Wheeler Bear! this is the same bear that was outside my gallery in Wheeler, mysteriously. And, last time I checked, is now chained outside one of the Wheeler antique stores...
Which just goes to show- life is full of the oddest coincidences, and endless possibilities. Of all the bears in all the antique stores in the world...
I don't have any idea what I will be doing this time next year. If I will have income, or lovers, or friends, or fingers. Judging by the last 3 years of my life there is absolutely no way to predict my petty future. But I'm certain I haven't seen the last of these bears.
1 comment:
Are you trying to show me that's it's totally possible to write a camping post with multiple images. I think you have effectively shown me up!
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